Results for 'Henry A. Kautz'

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  1.  18
    Hard problems for simple default logics.Henry A. Kautz & Bart Selman - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 49 (1-3):243-279.
  2.  17
    Model-preference default theories.Bart Selman & Henry A. Kautz - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 45 (3):287-322.
  3.  17
    Horn approximations of empirical data.Henry Kautz, Michael Kearns & Bart Selman - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (1):129-145.
  4.  31
    Peace Pilgrim: An American Parallel to a Buddhist Path.Amanda Kautz - 1990 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 10:165.
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    Learning and inferring transportation routines.Lin Liao, Donald J. Patterson, Dieter Fox & Henry Kautz - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (5-6):311-331.
  6.  15
    Henri Gouhier: La Vie d'Auguste Comte.Henri Gouhier - 1998 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Le biographe tourne autour d'une realite a deux inconnues. Il y a l'homme et il y a l'image de l'homme dans l'homme. Je dois retrouver Auguste Comte tel qu'il s'est vu; il m'est interdit de renoncer a savoir s'il s'est vu tel qu'il fut. La vie de Comte romancee par Comte est un fragment de son histoire: c'est un fait que le biographe rencontre lorsqu'il regarde l'interieur de son personnage; mais il simplifierait trop sa tache s'il n'essayait point de saisir (...)
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  7. Institutionally Divided Moral Responsibility*: HENRY S. RICHARDSON.Henry S. Richardson - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (2):218-249.
    I am going to be discussing a mode of moral responsibility that anglophone philosophers have largely neglected. It is a type of responsibility that looks to the future rather than the past. Because this forward-looking moral responsibility is relatively unfamiliar in the lexicon of analytic philosophy, many of my locutions will initially strike many readers as odd. As a matter of everyday speech, however, the notion of forward-looking moral responsibility is perfectly familiar. Today, for instance, I said I would be (...)
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    The Henry Morris collection.Henry Morris - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Harry Rée.
    Henry Morris (1889-1961), the great educational philosopher, and initiator of the integrated community educational centre - embodied in the Cambridgeshire village college system - was county education officer and had his first 'memorandum' on the concept of community education printed by the Cambridge University Press. 1984 is both the 60th anniversary of his first memorandum and the 400th anniversary of the Press and this commemorative book will be published to coincide with a number of events to celebrate that. The (...)
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    Henry Carr: lectures and speeches.Henry Carr - 1969 - Ibadan,: Oxford University Press. Edited by L. C. Gwam.
    The requirements of education at Lagos. 15 Apr. 1892.--Primary, elementary, secondary, and supplementary education. 22 Jan. 1902.--Christian marriage. 26 May 1909.--Religious instruction in church schools. 28 May 1909.--Education of women. 18 May 1911.--The Rt. Rev. Bishop James Johnson, M.A., D.D. 1918.--The problems of education in Southern Nigeria. 9 Nov. 1920.--Our religion and our social life. 2 Oct. 1923.--Moral character. 5 July 1924.--The truth about my background and my career. 1924.--Religion as the basis of education. 1934.--Overseas scholarships for deserving Nigerian youths. (...)
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    Henry P. Stapp.Henry P. Stapp - unknown
    Quantum theory is essentially a rationally coherent theory of the interaction of mind and matter, and it allows our conscious thoughts to play a causally efficacious and necessary role in brain dynamics. It therefore provides a natural basis, created by scientists, for the science of consciousness. As an illustration it is explained how the interaction of brain and consciousness can speed up brain processing, and thereby enhance the survival prospects of conscious organisms, as compared to similar organisms that lack consciousness. (...)
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  11. Kant's Theory of Freedom.Henry E. Allison - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In his new book the eminent Kant scholar Henry Allison provides an innovative and comprehensive interpretation of Kant's concept of freedom. The author analyzes the concept and discusses the role it plays in Kant's moral philosophy and psychology. He also considers in full detail the critical literature on the subject from Kant's own time to the present day. In the first part Professor Allison argues that at the centre of the Critique of Pure Reason there is the foundation for (...)
  12.  50
    Bacterial Infections across the Ants: Frequency and Prevalence of Wolbachia, Spiroplasma, and Asaia.Stefanie Kautz, Benjamin Er Rubin & Corrie S. Moreau - 2013 - Psyche: A Journal of Entomology 2013.
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  13. The Child's Theory of Mind.Henry M. Wellman - 1990 - MIT Press (MA).
    Do children have a theory of mind? If they do, at what age is it acquired? What is the content of the theory, and how does it differ from that of adults? The Child's Theory of Mind integrates the diverse strands of this rapidly expanding field of study. It charts children's knowledge about a fundamental topic - the mind - and characterizes that developing knowledge as a coherent commonsense theory, strongly advancing the understanding of everyday theories as well as the (...)
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    The Collected Letters of Henry Northrup Castle.Henry Northrup Castle, Alfred L. Castle & Marvin Krislov - 2013 - Ohio University Press.
    George Herbert Mead, one of America’s most important and influential philosophers, a founder of pragmatism, social psychology, and symbolic interactionism, was also a keen observer of American culture and early modernism. In the period from the 1870s to 1895, Henry Northrup Castle maintained a correspondence with family members and with Mead—his best friend at Oberlin College and brother-in-law—that reveals many of the intellectual, economic, and cultural forces that shaped American thought in that complex era. Close friends of John Dewey, (...)
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  15. (3 other versions)The Methods of Ethics.Henry Sidgwick - 1874 - Bristol, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Emily Elizabeth Constance Jones.
    One of the most influential of the Victorian philosophers, Henry Sidgwick also made important contributions to fields such as economics, political theory, and classics. An active promoter of higher education for women, he founded Cambridge's Newnham College in 1871. He attended Rugby School and then Trinity College, Cambridge, where he remained his whole career. In 1859 he took up a lectureship in classics, and held this post for ten years. In 1869, he moved to a lectureship in moral philosophy, (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Creative evolution.Henri Bergson (ed.) - 1937 - New York,: The Modern library.
    Henri Bergson (1859-1941) is one of the truly great philosophers of the modernist period, and there is currently a major renaissance of interest in his unduly neglected texts and ideas amongst philosophers, literary theorists, and social theorists. Creative Evolution (1907) is the text that made Bergson world-famous in his own lifetime; in it Bergson responds to the challenge presented to our habits of thought by modern evolutionary theory, and attempts to show that the theory of knowledge must have its basis (...)
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  17.  15
    Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion, Henri Bergson.Henri Bergson, Arnaud Bouaniche, Frédéric Keck & Worms - 2004 - Ellipses Marketing.
    Nous présentons ici une introduction à la lecture des Deux sources de la morale et de la religion d'Henri Bergson, publié en 1932. Cet ouvrage est le moins fréquenté des livres de Bergson : on le ramène à quelques formules sur l'opposition du " clos " et de " l'ouvert ", et à un mysticisme un peu fumeux. Pourtant, Bergson a mis vingt-cinq ans à se documenter pour écrire ce livre qui constitue une synthèse philosophique des travaux de la sociologie, (...)
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  18. The Production of Space.Henri Lefebvre - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Henri Lefebvre has considerable claims to be the greatest living philosopher. His work spans some sixty years and includes original work on a diverse range of subjects, from dialectical materialism to architecture, urbanism and the experience of everyday life. The Production of Space is his major philosophical work and its translation has been long awaited by scholars in many different fields. The book is a search for a reconciliation between mental space and real space. In the course of his exploration, (...)
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  19. Kant's Transcendental Idealism.Henry E. Allison - 1988 - Yale University Press.
    This landmark book is now reissued in a new edition that has been vastly rewritten and updated to respond to recent Kantian literature.
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    Space, difference, everyday life: reading Henri Lefebvre.Henri Lefebvre - 2008 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kanishka Goonewardena.
    In the past fifteen years, Henri Lefebvre's reputation has catapulted into the stratosphere, and he is now considered an equal to some of the greats of European social theory (Bourdieu, Deleuze, Harvey). In particular, his work has revitalized urban studies, geography and planning via concepts like; the social production of space, the right to the city, everyday life, and global urbanization. Lefebvre's massive body of work has generated two main schools of thought: one that is political economic, and another that (...)
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    Henry of Ghent's Summa: the questions on God's existence and essence, (articles 21-24).Henry - 2005 - Dudley, MA: Peeters. Edited by J. Decorte, Roland J. Teske & Henry.
    This volume offers a translation with introduction and notes of Henry of Ghent's questions on the being and essence of God from his Summa of Ordinary Questions (Summa quaestionum ordinarium). These questions form the heart of Henry's philosophy of God, especially his "new way" of proving the existence of God and his claim that God is the first object known by the human intellect.
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    Darwin machines and the nature of knowledge.Henry C. Plotkin - 1994 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Bringing together evolutionary biology, psychology, and philosophy, Henry Plotkin presents a new science of knowledge, one that traces an unbreakable link between instinct and our ability to know.
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  23. (1 other version)Science and method.Henri Poincaré - 1914 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by Francis Maitland.
    " Vivid . . . immense clarity . . . the product of a brilliant and extremely forceful intellect." — Journal of the Royal Naval Scientific Service "Still a sheer joy to read." — Mathematical Gazette "Should be read by any student, teacher or researcher in mathematics." — Mathematics Teacher The originator of algebraic topology and of the theory of analytic functions of several complex variables, Henri Poincare (1854–1912) excelled at explaining the complexities of scientific and mathematical ideas to lay (...)
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  24.  46
    The Postmodern Self and The Politics of Liberal Education.Steven Kautz - 1996 - Social Philosophy and Policy 13 (1):164.
    Richard Rorty is one of the principal architects of a new way of thinking about liberalism. He calls his way “liberal ironism”: it is a postmodern liberalism, without Enlightenment rationalism, without the hopeless and finally enervating aspiration to discover an a historical philosophical foundation for liberal principles and practices. The postmodern liberal ironist, unlike the classical liberal rationalist, “faces up to the contingency of his or her own most central beliefs and desires,” says Rorty, including the characteristic liberal belief that (...)
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  25.  28
    Basic Rights: Subsistence, Affluence, and U.S. Foreign Policy: 40th Anniversary Edition.Henry Shue - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    An expanded and updated edition of a classic work on human rights and global justice Since its original publication, Basic Rights has proven increasingly influential to those working in political philosophy, human rights, global justice, and the ethics of international relations and foreign policy, particularly in debates regarding foreign policy’s role in alleviating global poverty. Henry Shue asks: Which human rights ought to be the first honored and the last sacrificed? Shue argues that subsistence rights, along with security rights (...)
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  26. The philosophy of Niels Bohr: the framework of complementarity.Henry J. Folse - 1985 - New York, N.Y.: Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co..
    Of all the developments in twentieth century physics, none has given rise to more heated debates than the changes in our understanding of science precipitated by the quantum revolution''. In this revolution, Niels Bohr's dramatically non-classical theory of the atom proved to be the springboard from which the new atomic physics drew it's momentum. Furthermore, Bohr's contribution was crucial not only because his interpretation of quantum mechanics became the most widely accepted view but also because in his role as educator (...)
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  27.  63
    The career of continental drift theory: An application of Imre Lakatos' analysis of scientific growth to the rise of drift theory.Henry Frankel - 1979 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 10 (1):21-66.
  28. Kant’s Transcendental Idealism: An Interpretation and Defense.Henry E. Allison - 2004 - Yale University Press.
    This landmark book is now reissued in a new edition that has been vastly rewritten and updated to respond to recent Kantian literature. It includes a new discussion of the Third Analogy, a greatly expanded discussion of Kant’s _Paralogisms, _and entirely new chapters dealing with Kant’s theory of reason, his treatment of theology, and the important Appendix to the Dialectic. _Praise for the earlier edition: _ “Probably the most comprehensive and substantial study of the Critique of Pure Reason written by (...)
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  29. Paideia and Performance.Henry C. Curcio, Mark Ralkowski & Heather L. Reid (eds.) - 2023 - Parnassos Press.
    Paideia is a word that signifies education or culture—two concepts that are only apparently distinct in Ancient Greek thinking. The performance of poetry, philosophy, rhetoric, drama, dance, and even athletics functioned simultaneously as education and culture. They entertained and unified communities by affirming shared heritage and interrogating common values. This process had special importance in Sicily and Southern Italy, where Hellenism was often a matter of education rather than ancestry. This volume explores the intersection of education and cultural performance in (...)
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  30.  17
    Adorno and Literary Criticism.Henry W. Pickford - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 365–381.
    This essay first contextualizes Adorno's essays in literary criticism in relation to his historico‐philosophical account of modern rationalization and late capitalism, his dialectical theory of culture, and his return to postwar Germany. It then presents the neo‐Marxist and formalist principles that inform his literary criticism, emphasizing the artwork's critical relationship to society, on the one hand, and the theory of aesthetic experience undergone by the artwork's recipient on the other. These principles are exemplified in selective readings of Adorno's essays on (...)
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  31. AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes.Henry Prakken - 2005 - Argumentation 19 (3):303-320.
    This paper reviews the history of AI & Law research from the perspective of argument schemes. It starts with the observation that logic, although very well applicable to legal reasoning when there is uncertainty, vagueness and disagreement, is too abstract to give a fully satisfactory classification of legal argument types. It therefore needs to be supplemented with an argument-scheme approach, which classifies arguments not according to their logical form but according to their content, in particular, according to the roles that (...)
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  32. Jersey : Jèrriais, song and language revitalization.Henry Johnson - 2011 - In Godfrey Baldacchino, Island songs: a global repertoire. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press.
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    Your power to heal: resolving psychological barriers to your physical health.Henry Grayson - 2017 - Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True.
    Your Essential How-To Guide for Self-Healing The greatest medical breakthrough in recent years isn’t the creation of a new drug or treatment—it’s the discovery of how much your mind affects your health. With Your Power to Heal, Dr. Henry Grayson offers a treasury of techniques and insights to help you harness the mindbody connection. “When we can identify and change the inner voices that keep us feeling powerless,” writes Dr. Grayson, “we can go beyond treating just symptoms or relying (...)
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  34. The creative mind.Henri Bergson & Mabelle Louise Andison - 1946 - New York,: Philosophical library. Edited by Mabelle L. Andison.
    The final published book by Nobel Prize-winning author and philosopher Henri Bergson (1859-1941), La pensée et le mouvant (translated here as The Creative Mind), is a masterly autobiography of his philosophical method. Through essays and lectures written between 1903 and 1923, Bergson retraces how and why he became a philosopher, and crafts a fascinating critique of philosophy itself. Until it leaves its false paths, he demonstrates, philosophy will remain only a wordy dialectic that surmounts false problems. With masterful skill and (...)
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  35.  12
    Reviews, 1871-1899.Henry Sidgwick - 1871 - Bristol, U.K.: Thoemmes Press.
    Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900), English philosopher and educator is today most famous for his Methods of Ethics first published in 1874 and considered by C. D. Broad among others to be the greatest single work on ethics in English. Besides philosophy, Sidgwick wrote on education, literature, political theory, the history of political institutions, and psychical research. He was also active in University politics, economics and administration, playing a large part in the founding of the first College for women - Newnham (...)
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    Introduction to John Henry Cardinal Newman's Biglietto Speech.John Henry Cardinal Newman - 2003 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 6 (4):164-169.
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    Heraclitus on First (and Further) Hearings.Henry Spelman & Shaul Tor - 2024 - Phronesis 69 (4):383-401.
    The words τὸ πρῶτον in Heraclitus B1 have been subjected to competing construals, yet this dilemma, and its stakes, are almost never discussed. We argue that the common translation of ἀκούσαντες τὸ πρῶτον, ‘when once they have heard it’, faces insurmountable philosophical, stylistic, and linguistic objections. We make a new case for the alternative construal, ‘after they have heard it for the first time’. This yields a linguistically better account of the Greek, and a philosophically more satisfying one in the (...)
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  38. All too human? Identifying and mitigating ethical risks of Social AI.Henry Shevlin - manuscript
    This paper presents an overview of the risks and benefits of Social AI, understood as conversational AI systems that cater to human social needs like romance, companionship, or entertainment. Section 1 of the paper provides a brief history of conversational AI systems and introduces conceptual distinctions to help distinguish varieties of Social AI and pathways to their deployment. Section 2 of the paper adds further context via a brief discussion of anthropomorphism and its relevance to assessment of human-chatbot relationships. Section (...)
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  39.  68
    Kant's Transcendental Deduction: An Analytic-Historical Commentary.Henry E. Allison - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Henry E. Allison presents an analytical and historical commentary on Kant`s transcendental deduction of the pure concepts of the understanding in the Critique of Pure Reason. He argues that, rather than providing a new solution to an old problem, it addresses a new problem, and he traces the line of thought that led Kant to the recognition of the significance of this problem in his 'pre-critical' period. In addition to the developmental nature of the account of Kant`s views presented (...)
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  40. Family Reverence ( Xiao) as the source of consummatory conduct ( Ren 仁).Henry Rosemont & Roger T. Ames - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (1):9-19.
  41.  12
    L' opportunisme scientifique.Henri Poincaré - 2002 - Springer Verlag.
    During his lifetime, Henri Poincaré published three major philosophical books which achieved great success: "La science et l'hypothèse" (1902), "La valeur de la science" (1905) and "Science et méthode" (1908). After his death in 1913, a fourth volume of his philosophical works was published by his heirs as "Dernières pensées" (1913). The four books constitute the core of Poincaré's philosophic works and were given an ovation by scientific and general public. Around 1919, Gustave Le Bon wrote to Poincaré's widow. As (...)
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  42.  64
    Plato's Timaeus: Translation, Glossary, Appendices and Introductory Essay.Henry Desmond Pritchard Plato & Lee - 1961 - Indianapolis: Focus. Edited by Peter Kalkavage.
    Both an ideal entrée for beginning readers and a solid text for scholars, the second edition of Peter Kalkavage's acclaimed translation of Plato's _Timaeus_ brings enhanced accessibility to a rendering well known for its faithfulness to the original text. An extensive essay offers insights into the reading of the work, the nature of Platonic dialogue, and the cultural background of the _Timaeus_. Appendices on music, astronomy, and geometry provide additional guidance. A brief outline of the themes of the work, a (...)
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  43. Consciousness, Machines, and Moral Status.Henry Shevlin - manuscript
    In light of recent breakneck pace in machine learning, questions about whether near-future artificial systems might be conscious and possess moral status are increasingly pressing. This paper argues that as matters stand these debates lack any clear criteria for resolution via the science of consciousness. Instead, insofar as they are settled at all, it is likely to be via shifts in public attitudes brought about by the increasingly close relationships between humans and AI users. Section 1 of the paper I (...)
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  44.  82
    The value of science.Henri Poincaré - 1907 - New York,: Dover Publications. Edited by George Bruce Halsted.
    THE VALUE OF SCIENCE INTRODUCTION The search for truth should be the goal of our activities; it is the sole end worthy of them. Doubtless we should first bend our efforts to assuage human suffering, but why ? Not to suffer is a negative ...
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  45. Idealism and Freedom: Essays on Kant’s Theoretical and Practical Philosophy.Henry E. Allison - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Henry Allison is one of the foremost interpreters of the philosophy of Kant. This new volume collects all his recent essays on Kant's theoretical and practical philosophy. All the essays postdate Allison's two major books on Kant, and together they constitute an attempt to respond to critics and to clarify, develop and apply some of the central theses of those books. Two are published here for the first time. Special features of the collection are: a detailed defence of the (...)
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  46. On Fri, 11 May 2001, Chris Wilson wrote: > Dear Henry:.Henry Stapp - unknown
    > On the question of reasons as causes, philosophers generally acknowledge > that reasons can be considered causes (or antecedents of 'regularities') > only to the extent that the reasons are physically realized (instantiated, > represented, embodied, implemented) in the brain. The problem is trying to > find a neural correlate for a mental state containing a 'reason', such that > the reason can become a ('real', 'physical' ) cause.
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  47. (1 other version)Words without objects: semantics, ontology, and logic for non-singularity.Henry Laycock - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A picture of the world as chiefly one of discrete objects, distributed in space and time, has sometimes seemed compelling. It is however one of the main targets of Henry Laycock's book; for it is seriously incomplete. The picture, he argues, leaves no space for "stuff" like air and water. With discrete objects, we may always ask "how many?," but with stuff the question has to be "how much?" Laycock's fascinating exploration also addresses key logical and linguistic questions about (...)
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    Entretien avec Michel Henry.Virginie Henry Caruana - 2000 - Philosophique 3:69-80.
    Cet entretien réalisé le 30 novembre 1999 à Paris présente l’évolution de la philosophie de Michel Henry, depuis L’essence de la manifestation jusqu’à l’Incarnation. Il s’agit de présenter le projet, la place et la centralité de L’essence de la manifestation dans l’œuvre de M. Henry, puisque c’est dans cet ouvrage qu’il a mis au jour les présuppositions de sa phénoménologie de la vie et de l’intériorité subjective, présuppositions qu’il fera travailler dans tous les ouvrages qui lui succéderont, ceci (...)
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  49. An abstract framework for argumentation with structured arguments.Henry Prakken - 2010 - Argument and Computation 1 (2):93-124.
    An abstract framework for structured arguments is presented, which instantiates Dung's ('On the Acceptability of Arguments and its Fundamental Role in Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Logic Programming, and n- Person Games', Artificial Intelligence , 77, 321-357) abstract argumentation frameworks. Arguments are defined as inference trees formed by applying two kinds of inference rules: strict and defeasible rules. This naturally leads to three ways of attacking an argument: attacking a premise, attacking a conclusion and attacking an inference. To resolve such attacks, preferences may (...)
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    The Biomimicry Revolution: Learning from Nature how to Inhabit the Earth.Henry Dicks - 2023 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Modernity is founded on the belief that the world we build is a human invention, not a part of nature. The ecological consequences of this idea have been catastrophic. We have laid waste to natural ecosystems, replacing them with fundamentally unsustainable human designs. With time running out to address the environmental crises we have caused, our best path forward is to turn to nature for guidance. In this book, Henry Dicks explores the philosophical significance of a revolutionary approach to (...)
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